i'm not necessarily picky as to what soda i drink. i'm only picky as to what i drink it out of. today on campus i had a bumpin headache and immediately started craving a soda. fountain mtn dews are so much better than others. so of course that's what i'ma get. the shizzy thing? there's no plastic cups anywhere to be found on campus. i resorted to drinking it out of one of those paper style cups. you know the kind, you get them at concession stands at sporting events? or at j-dawgs. they taste terrible. i can always taste more cup than i can soda. so this is how it is, what's preferred...
mtn dew is best as a fountain soda. just not in a paper cup.
pepsi and dr. pepper are best out of a bottle.
coke is best out of a can.
i didn't really start paying attention to soda detail until Robi started making such a big deal about it. Then it became obvious. the next biggest need with soda is the temperature. my good friend Mayve enlightened me on the nature of a perfectly tempered beverage. He calls it carbonix infusion. and he hits it right on the head with this theory and term. He defines carbonix infusion here, "It's when you drink a perfectly tempered dew and it burns so good in the throat, and then here's the key...when you burp, it's that tinkling sensation in your nose when you let all the burped air pass through your nose, sometimes making you sneeze and other times making your eyes water. This is carbonix infusion." perfect.
Like i said, i'm not picky about my sodas, but i pissed my pants from laughter to what thomas said when i told him i was drinking sprite today. He said, "why? are you sick? what the hell is a sprite?" apparently you only drink sprite when you're sick. and with a sleeve of saltines right next to it. and apparently we've become solely 'adult' soda drinkers. why? you ask? because everytime i drink a sprite, or a root beer, it makes me feel like i'm a child again. like i'm 7 years old.
These are the things i think about all day. Maybe that's why i have so much homework to do. and so much to do for job/internship applications. maybe i should stop scheduling time in my moleskin planner to contemplate the perfectly tempered beverage...
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